1:1 Coaching
Have you found yourself stuck? You want to change, but don’t know how.
You’re in the right place.
You may have recognised limiting beliefs, fears, unwanted behaviours, symptoms, or negative thought patterns that keep showing up and getting in the way of living life the way you want.
Let’s change this!
Working with your sub-conscious mind through 1:1 NLP coaching is a quick and effective way to get to the root of the issue, resolve this so you can move forward with ease.
Your questions answered
Want to know more? Book a free discovery call with me.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is an extremely effective way of making lasting rapid change in your life. It uses a range of engaging techniques that shift our thinking and get the brain working in a different way to break out of old habitual patterns.
NLP focuses on how the present and future can be different, rather than spending too much time on why we have issues and dragging up the past. Working with the brain in this way helps make change a much easier, intriguing and inspiring process.
Coaching is a powerful and supportive conversation that inspires you to create the change you want to see in your life. It’s essentially about asking the right questions that allow you to find clarity and remove self-interference to help you achieve what you want.
Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis involve learning how you can get into a relaxed state whereby you are able to communicate more directly with your unconscious mind to change old habits. We know that the unconscious mind controls around 90% of all our thoughts, actions and behaviours, so it is a really powerful resource. This is often why we can’t think our way out of a problem, and why the conscious and logical mind is limited in its ability to make change.
I work with clients one-on-one to help them make the changes they want.
People come to reprogram:
Limiting beliefs
Unwanted behaviours
Unconscious blocks
Stress and overwhelm
Confidence and low self-esteem
1-1 sessions are run online using Zoom and can be accessed worldwide. All you will need is a quite place and a good internet connection.
How are we going to do this?
Select your coaching package below, or book a discovery call with me and start moving forward today.

1-1 Coaching
Single 1:1 session
1 x 60-min session
Begin here, when you want to shift but don’t know how or need a powerful coaching conversation.
The 1 month 1:1 intensive
1 x 90-min deep dive
2 x 60-min sessions
Personalised hypno recording
When you are ready to:
Reprogram limiting beliefs
Remove blocks getting in your way
Dissolve inner resistance
So you can move forward with clarity, confidence and ease.
3 months 1:1 support
1 x 90-min deep dive
6 x 60-min sessions
Personalised hypno recording
When you are ready to:
Master you mindset
Think and feel differently
Reprogram limiting beliefs
Remove blocks getting in your way
Dissolve inner resistance
So you can confidently do the things you want to do and be the person you want to be.
*All sessions are run online via Zoom and prices are in AUD.
Wondering which option will suit your needs the best? Start with a discovery call.
Liz Allen
Liz Allen is a Health and Mindset coach, Registered Practitioner of the Lightning Process®, and Master NLP Practitioner. She completed a Clinical Diploma in NLP, Hypnotherapy and Coaching with the Phil Parker Training Institute in London and also holds a Bachelor of Fashion & Textile Design from the University of Technology, Sydney.
Based in Sydney, Australia, Liz is passionate about empowering people with the knowledge and tools to make amazing positive changes in their health and lives.
‘My experience working with Liz has been profoundly different and transformational’
How could I ever put words to the tremendous impact Liz has had on my life?! I feel like a completely different person.
In our coaching sessions we deconstructed relationships, money and career. I could tell you how I’ve gone from feeling so stuck, frustrated and lost in my career, to now actively pursuing what I love. Or how I used to hold onto money with a death grip and now feel more financially abundant than I’ve ever felt in my entire life.
But working with Liz has been so much more than all that. It’s been a journey of owning who I am, including the parts I used to hide. Now, I can set boundaries for myself and have autonomy over how I feel, instead of doing things to please others.
I have more confidence and direction in my life than I’ve ever had before. I’ve done work with many coaches in the past, but my experience working with Liz has been profoundly different and transformational. Her perspective on the world is so refreshing! It’s been worth every cent.
- Melissa