The 3 things you need to change to get unstuck and heal
When healing chronic symptoms, it’s easy to get stuck focusing on getting through each day. If you were to zoom out and look at the bigger picture of your healing journey, quite often it’s one of three things getting in the way. Focus on changing these, and the journey back to health becomes a whole lot easier.
As health and mindset coach and mind-body practitioner, most clients seek me out to resolve chronic symptoms like fatigue, chronic pain, IBS, anxiety etc.
While these things all sound different, the common frustration is they all feel stuck. Despite having tried many things to recover, their symptoms remain, and they don’t understand why. It can feel confusing, overwhelming, and if it’s been going on for some time, it can feel hopeless.
If you are feeling stuck in your health or life, these are the 3 keys things you need to focus on.
#1 The things you know you need to change.
There will be things you already know you need to change, and you may also know how, but you don’t know why you’re not doing them.
For example, maybe you already recognise you’re hard on yourself and a bit of a perfectionist. You know an easy fix is kinder self-talk, and yet you continue to beat yourself up all the time. Want to know what you can do about this? Read on.
#2 The things you know you need to change but don’t know how.
Depending where you are on your healing journey, you may already recognise the power of the mind-body connection and noticed how certain thoughts and emotions affect your physiology.
For example, some people are aware their body is stuck in an overactive threat (fight/flight/freeze) response. Although they understand the important role of the nervous system, they know their brain is powerful and have read about neuroplasticity (how the brain changes depending on how it’s being used), they don’t know how to change this or influence it for themselves.
This is the main reason people come to work with me, to learn how to retrain the way their brain is influencing their body and rewire unconscious automatic neural pathways. It’s the skill-set I teach my clients in the Lightning Process to rebuild health.
#3 The things you don’t yet know you need to change.
This is where things get juicy, and I would argue is the most import level to work at. These are the problematic things you don’t realise are getting in your way and are your biggest threat to remaining stuck.
It’s probably the reason you haven’t been able to work it out for yourself, and why people will work with a coach to help point out their blind spots.
What are these things? These can be un-useful subconscious patterns and responses and unquestioned limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs worth changing might sound like, ‘I’m broken’, ‘I can’t do this’, ‘I’ll always be this way’. Beliefs dictate our thoughts, actions, and behaviours, so while we continue to hold that limiting belief, change will not be available to us.
How to work with #3 - the things you don’t yet know you need to change.
You’ve probably heard this before; the first step to change is raising your level of awareness. For good reason, only when we become aware of the problem can we do something about it.
A second pair of eyes on the problem can really help, but you can start this process yourself. The thing to remember here is to come from a place of curiosity and non-judgement.
Start building your awareness by looking out for the following clues:
Listen to your internal dialogue, what are you saying to yourself? Is it kind? If not, this is a good place to start.
Become the observer of your life and notice your habitual patterns, thoughts, and behaviours. Are they positively serving you?
A major clue is if you find yourself stuck, feeling hopeless or like you have no choice. It’s likely there are unconscious thought patterns or limiting beliefs getting in the way.
If awareness is the starting place, what’s next?
How to work with #2 The things you know you need to change but don’t know how.
This is stage is much easier than #3. When you know what you need to change, then it becomes a question of ‘how?’. This could look like taking on new knowledge or learning new skills to enhance your capability.
For example, if you’ve noticed a limiting belief, great. The next step is to replace it with a more useful belief. If you don’t know how to do that yet, it is a skill you can learn. The easiest way to do this is to get a teacher, or a coach with that knowledge, who can show you how.
Remember you are the hero of your journey back to vibrant health. You don’t have to go it alone. Things get a whole lot easier when you have a guide to show how and support you every step of the way.
Hi I’m Liz.
Health & Mindset Coach and Advanced Lightning Process® Practitioner.
I specialise in empowering people stuck with chronic symptoms with the knowledge, skills and support to reclaim their health and transform their life.
If you are ready to learn how to influence your mind-body connection, join me on my next Lightning Process seminar, either online or in Sydney. Check out the next training dates here.
Want to know more about how we can work together, contact me for a free 20 minute discovery call.